Resource Optimisation Through Environmental Leadership

Manoj Kumar

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The rationale of most contemporary change scan be traced back to economics; creativity and economics have combined for effecting most changes in the world. The drive for resource optimisation is no different; a welcome by product is environment protection.

In the context of the military, economics relates not only to costs but also the prospect of operational gains. Therefore, this book, while exhorting the military hierarchy to realise their potential as environmental leaders, has demonstrated how resource optimisation is conducive for increasing operational effectiveness. While the military organisations are in focus here, the lessons of resource optimisation covered in the book are easily applied to any large industry set-up.

It is the race to control natural resources that would define global hot spots of the future. The country that reduces its dependence on these resources would not expose its flank to the adversary. Reducing consumption levels is also desirable for preventing environmental degradation. This convergence of interests is a win-win situation that only requires a will and innovative approach towards organisational functioning, from procurement, technology transfers, energy consumption, training, etc., to auditing the implementation of the optimisation process. These aspects have been explained in the book mostly with case studies to make it interesting even for the environment sceptics.

It is hoped that this book would provide ideas to readers on ways of conserving resources in their daily lives - at home and at work. The importance of publicising organisational efforts in the social domain finds special mention as this does not yet seem to be in the ethos of the Indian military. The overarching connect between social and military matters is implicit in contemporary society. This book would, thus, appeal equally to the military and the corporate leaders.

Manoj Kumar

Group Captain Manoj Kumar VSM, is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from IT BHU, India. He is a serving Indian Air Force (IAF) officer and has held many important staff and field assignments in the last 25 years of his service with the IAF. He has been awarded the Presidential medal for distinguished service. He is presently a senior research fellow at the Centre for Air Power Studies, working on issues of resource optimisation and environment management by the Indian military. He is a resource person with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for protection of the ozone layer. He has presented research papers on the subject at both national and international levels. He also provides specialist advice to the IAF on management of Ozone Depleting Substances. His first work on the subject has been published by UNEP in the form of a book on ozone protection – Toolkit of Good Practices for Defence Forces. His second book explored the linkages between Environment Change and National Security. His focus areas also include energy conservation and technology management in the defence forces.



Towards Environmental Leadership: An Introductory Essay

1. New Frontiers of Military Leadership: Environmental Forays
2. Complexities of Waste Management in Air Force Installations
3. Building Resource Efficiency: Case Study – Armaments
4. Training Future Environment Leaders
5. Securing a Sustainable Future Through Green Procurements
6. Technology Transfer: Green Confluence
7. Shrinking the Energy Bubble
8. Efficiency Through Environmental Audit
9. Diplomacy and Military: ‘Talk the Walk



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