South Asia: Dynamics of Politics, Economy & Security

Kulwant Kaur & Baljit S Mann

Rs. 520 Rs. 390 In Stock

South Asia has witnessed cataclysmic changes in internal and external politics, which have initiated the process of political, economic and social transformation in the region. The region is suffering from the syndrome of insecurity. Threats to security are not only from within but also from outside the region.

Kulwant Kaur & Baljit S Mann Dr Kulwant Kaur is professor in Political Science and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jammu, Jammu.

Baljit S.Mann is reader in the Department of Political Science, University of Jammu, Jammu.


Section I Dynamics of Internal Politics

1. Governace in South Asia
2. Revolt in Post-Colonial Sri Lanka. Democracy in Nepal. Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism in Pakistan

Section II Indo-Pakistan Relations—A Paradigm Shift

3. Relevance of Mediation for India
4. Two States in One River System

Section II Indo-Pakistan Relations—A Paradigm Shift

5. Relevance of Mediation for India
6. Track-Two Diplomacy in Indo-Pak Relations. Genesis of Indo-Pak Dialogue on sidelins of SAARC 2004

Section III Security in South Asia

7. Need for Rethinking
8. South Asian Security

Section IV Regionalism and Regional Cooperation

9. Political Economy of Indo-Pakistan Trade Relations and SAARC

Section V Security in South Asia

10. Need for Rethinking
11. South Asian Security
12. Foreign Power Involvent and Regional Security in South Asia
13. Impact of Afghanitan Crisis on South Asia
14. Energy Scenerio in South Asia
15. Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons in South Asia

Section VI Regionalism and Regional Cooperation

16. Political Economy of Indo-Pakistan Trade Relations and SAARC
17. Prospects of Regional Cooperation through SAFTA.



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