Gita Concepts

Gyanendra Trivedi

Rs. 350 Rs. 263 In Stock

They say…

The classifications of Gita subject-wise has been done by each and every commentator and translator in his own way. But all these are as per the order of the chapters of Gita – 1st to 18th. No one has yet attempted to break away the very order of it. This seems to be the first attempt of its kind to reclassify it topic wise, and the compiler is worthy of praise for his labours to attempt to present Gita in novel way. (See Foreword)

— Dr Mandan Mitra, Vice-Chancellor,
Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth (University), New Delhi.

The book will serve as an important aid to the philosophical teachings of Gita to the curious readers. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author has taken great pains in classifying the thematic contents of Gita.

— Dr Vachaspati Upadhyaya, Professor of Sanskrit,
University of Delhi.

I am happy, indeed privileged, to contribute this ‘introduction’ to this study of Gita, not in the usual ‘Chapter wise’ manner but topic wise by the author… he has laboured hard to avoid what he considers are ‘repetitive’ and even prone to confuse any who is not a scholar. (See Introduction)

­— Justice S. Rangarajan, Retired Judge of the Delhi High Court
and Chairman of Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Commission, New Delhi.

…Something which didn’t strike any scholar or students of the great book all these centuries.
…The book may prove a landmark in the studies of the Gita. The manuscript makes a fascinating reading and one gets surprised over the range of topics covered in the original book. Apart from the expected topics of dharma, meditation, devotion, karma, there are the unexpected ones like pleasure, passion and even food.

— Indian Express, Chandigarh.

Gyanendra Trivedi Gyanendra Trivedi

Publisher’s Acknowledgements
Author’s Note
Gita Concepts – About & On

1. Supreme Brahma Adhibhuta, Adhyatma Adhidaivata, Adhiyajna, Karma
2. Austerity (Tapa)
3. Brahma
4. Castes and Duties
5. Charity
6. Death and Rebirth
7. Delusion
8. Devotion
9. Dharma
10. Food
11. Gita
12. God
13. Grief
14. Gunas
15. Jivatma (Individual Soul)
16. Knowledge (Gian)
17. Kshara and Akshara: Purshottam
18. Kshetra and Kshetrajna
19. Meditation
20. “Om Om”
21. Passions
22. Peace
23. Perfect Man or Man of Realisation
24. Pleasure, Happiness
25. Prakriti and Purush
26. Renunciation
27. Resignation to God
28. Sacrifice
29. Scriptures
30. Shradha
31. Sinners
32. Steadiness
33. Tendencies
34. Work: Karma



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