India in Global Affairs : Perspectives from Sapru House

Rajiv K Bhatia

Rs. 780 Rs. 585 Out of stock

For India, maintaining friendly relations with its neighbours and projecting its foreign policy interests to the global community has been of primary importance. Over the years, India has reached out not only to its South Asian neighbours but also to countries in East Asia, West Asia, Central Asia, Indian Ocean, Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Oceania. The country has also reinforced its good relations with the US, China, Japan, Russia, the EU and Canada through high-level visits, political interactions, economic engagements and strategic partnerships. The primary objective is to maintain peace and harmony and promote India’s economic and other interests, while, at the same time, playing an increasingly important role in the international order. The book addresses the mix of challenges and opportunities that the country has faced and looks into different facets of political, economic and cultural diplomacy at the bilateral and multilateral levels. This work reflects India’s policy priorities from both the perspectives of a distinguished former diplomat and an erudite scholar.

Rajiv K Bhatia



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