Basic Ship Propulsion

JP Ghose & RP Gokarn

Rs. 1480 Rs. 1110 In Stock

“Basic Ship Propulsion” deals with the fundamentals of ship propulsion comprehensively and in some detail. The propulsion machinery inside the ship is however considered only very briefly. The first chapter describes the development of ships and ship machinery and then introduces various ship propulsion devices. Subsequent chapters deal with conventional screw propellers that are used in most ships today. Among the subjects covered are screw propeller geometry, the theory of propellers, propeller characteristics, hull-propeller interaction, propeller cavitation, strength of propellers and model experiments involving propellers. The design of propellers for ships as well as for tugs and trawlers is given in a separate chapter, which also discusses the application of propeller theory to design. Ship trials and service performance analysis are then described. Some miscellaneous topics including propeller unsteady forces, propeller induced vibration and noise, propulsion in a seaway, engine-propeller matching, and propeller manufacture and repair are discussed next. The last chapter of the book describes unconventional ship propulsion devices such as controllable pitch propellers, ducted propellers, contra-rotating propellers, azimuthing and podded propellers, cycloidal propellers and waterjet propulsion as well as energy saving and flow improvement devices such as various types of ducts and fins. There is a glossary of technical terms for those unfamiliar with ships. An important feature of the book is the large number of numerical examples to illustrate various points, over one hundred and fifty problems (with answers) and a set of review questions to facilitate self-study. The book also has nearly one hundred figures, appendices containing useful data and references for those who wish to pursue certain topics to a more advanced level.

JP Ghose & RP Gokarn



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