Thunder Dragon: The Covid Strike

Maj Gen (Dr) G D Bakshi

Rs. 580 Rs. 435 In Stock

The Bat Corona Virus Pandemic that struck the world recently was one of the greatest Black Swan events in the last hundred years. It has infected around 167 million people globally and left over 3.5 million dead. The global economy was devastated.

What caused this Pandemic? Was it a natural epidemic? Was it genetically engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Did it leak out from there accidentally? Or was it deliberately released as part of a biological warfare attack designed to cause disarray and collapse of nations & set them up for military strikes and economic devastation? Was it a biological Pearl Harbour? If so – who triggered it and why?

This book is the third in a series of War Gaming & Scenario Generation exercises in the Tom Clancy tradition. The war game serves as inspiration for a fictional narration in the form of a racy novel. In this book we explore “What if scenario” of – was COVID-19 a Biological Warfare first strike and how exactly it could have happened in China. It is an entirely fictional account of a hypothetical scenario that is chillingly probable and based on detailed research & analysis.

In 2019, CIA tips India off on a sinister effort to engineer Bat Corona Viruses in Wuhan. Two Indian agents, Col Dusty Bhardwaj of the Special Forces and Dr Ayesha Mir of RAW are sent in to find out what is happening. They uncover a bizarre plot to weaponise the virus and use it for a biological warfare – first strike that will set the stage for an invasion of Taiwan and incursions into Ladakh.

Read on for the twists and turns of a bizarre plot that could actually have happened.

Maj Gen (Dr) G D Bakshi is a combat veteran with considerable experience in Kargil, Kishtwar and Rajouri sectors of J&K. He is a renowned military historian and a prolific writer who has written over 37 books. He is India’s most popular commentator on TV on matters of military.



1. The Bat Summons
2. Flashbacks of an Epic Battle
3. Doctors Beyond Borders
4. Questions in the Air
5. Extraction Plans
6. Of a Chip on the Shoulder
7. China: Conflict Timelines
8. The Hot Heads Gathering
9. The Research Assistant at Wuhan
10. The Reunion in Wuhan
11. The Plot Thickens
12. A Wound in the Heart
13. The Coup Crystallises
14. Corporate Vultures
15. The Tip Off
16. The Military Games in Wuhan
17. Patient Zero
18. The Great Escape
19. The Lotus Chase
20. The Submarine
21. Submarine Chase to Taiwan
22. Operation Thunder Dragon
23. Confabulations in Zhongnanhai
24. The Choke Points
25. The Straits of Malacca
26. The Event Timeline
27. The Nemesis



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