Thimayya: An Amazing Life

C B Khanduri

Rs. 1280 Rs. 960 In Stock

Thimayya was the only Indian who commanded a brigade in World War II and later in Japan as part of the occupation force. He was the only Indian General who was invited to the Japanese surrender ceremony in Singapore; and after whom a boulevard is named in Nicosia, Cyprus, and whose Government also issued a special stamp is his memory.

C B Khanduri Brigadier Khanduri is a well known biographer and military historian, is a Post Graduate in Strategic Studies, Fellow of the Indian Council Of Historical Research, and American Biographical Institute.


1. The Coming Events Cast Their Shadows
2. Grooming in the Shadow of the Raj
3. A Breakthrough
4. Stars on the Ascendant Command in World War II
5. Towards Tactical Excellence
6. An Army in Transit
7. The Indian Army on Trial
8. Interlude
9. For the Honour of India: Chairman of Neutral Nations’ Repatriation Commission
10. The Trouble Shooter
11. The Years of Enthusiasm
12. The Honourable Course
13. A Distant Trumpet
14. The Fateful Years (1959-1961)
15. Refusing to Fade Away
16. At the Alter of Pease – Commander UN Forces in Cyprus
17. The Incomparable Thimayya: The Man of Magic
18. Thimayya at a Glance
List of Maps
List of Photographs and Cartoons



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